Wednesday 8 January 2014

The lying game

While the world awaits the final day of the McCann v Amaral libel trial, where the McCann family are claiming that ex detective Goncalo Amaral's book The Truth of the Lie and the documentary based on the book have hindered the search for Madeleine McCann and caused the family distress, the media attempts to fill the public's heads with more lies.

According to the red top newspapers the dead tractor driver is no longer a suspect however Scotland Yard now 'know' who the 3 burglars are, 3 burglars who they say disturbed Madeleine and ran off with her. 3 burglars who not only left no trace of themselves behind in apartment 5A but apparently must have cleaned all trace of Madeleine as well, forcing Gerry to dash home in order to retrieve her pillowcase so police could obtain her DNA sample. After earlier claims that Scotland Yard and Portuguese police are working very closely together, these claims have now turned on their heads and the stance is now Scotland Yard are unable to do anything about the 3 burglars due to Portugal's repeated refusal to work with Scotland Yard. According to the red tops these 3 burglars were identified from the large amounts of phone data analysed. The phone data the Portuguese continually asked for but didn't receive in 2007? 

The final day of the libel trial was expected to be yesterday (07/01/14) however it was postponed at the very last minute (I have heard several reasons why but as yet unable to confirm any). How subtle that ITV, STV and UTV air the documentary The Lying Game, Crimes that fooled Britain at 9pm UK time that day. (Available in certain areas on Player) If the media had any ulterior motives for airing on the 7th I wonder if the postponed trial will have any impact on those motives. *NOTE the program was produced by Shine TV, Shine's CEO Elisabeth Murdoch is married to Matthew Freud. Freud's PR Company employed Clarence Mitchell, who was spokesman for the McCann's. No sea bass odours here then.

Interestingly during The Lying Game, the experts describe several methods of detecting lies through body language, words used, volume etc and most of these tell tale signs have been seen during many many interviews of the McCanns. What is more interesting is all the cases used in the program have been tried in a court of law and then BOOM, a small snippet of an expert saying the McCann's are 100% innocent, show a small clip of them reading from a list on 4th May 2007, then move on.......just like the same experts say about the guilty parties being discussed in the program......Skirt over the facts, move on....... Just like Kate and Gerry do?

The whole world is sick of lies and propaganda and not wishing to be a penpal of Carter Ruck I am going to say no more today on the subject. I will leave you with some clips other people have produced.

Would you know each and every sighting of your missing child?

Oh dear

Oh dear, oh dear

Keep trolling - morally
Morag Trollop - morally-trolling


  1. Can someone pass this article on too
    as she was so certain in the Lieing Game Broadcast last night 7th Jan 2013, this expert says they are 100% innocent while shaking her head No, a signal she had just said was the sign of a person telling a lie. Also please note this couple did not have the new fangled lie detector kit used on them, it seemed very reliable showing different colours for innocence or lie, Perhaps suggest too New Scotland Yard to use it on these Suspects Be very interesting to get hold of one and us itt for yourself to show the world.

    1. @ Anonymous you are most welcome to pass the article on along with your opinions on the program, you can find the contact details for Dr Leal on the university website
      If you get a response please do keep us all updated.
      I think we would all love to have a play around with the new kit, pity Santa is on vacation for a while now ;)

  2. I'm from Australia and have only just taken an interest in this case in the last 6 months. It's frustrating to watch people lie and I think that's why everyone wants to see the truth come out because no one likes being lied to. When your own instincts are saying one thing and you get mixed messages from pathological liars, you really want justice.
