Monday 28 October 2013

What is morally trolling all about?

Let me see, where do I begin?

I am just a normal every day grandmother. At least that's my view but everyone is entitled to an opinion, aren't they? I do try to be open minded about many things, after all none of us are perfect, some just think they are! But I do at times get pretty heat up about some things that I have an opinion on and well I do like to get my point across, as we all do.

I have my own opinions about the whole Madeleine McCann case and have followed the case closely since the very beginning. I have trawled through many many blogs, forums, news articles, videos and even the official police files on numerous occasions. I do not claim to be or even pretend to be an expert on the subject (or any other for that matter). I am not intending to offend anyone, accuse anyone or even be libelous towards anyone or any company.

Up until now any opinions I have aired on the Madeleine case have all been offline among friends and I will admit that it wouldn't be the first time I have heard one of them say "Oh my God how can you think such a thing?". Obviously I then go on to explain whatever opinion of mine they have been shocked at and I do give them what I feel are very good reasons, I tell them where to find the evidence to back up what I have said. I don't convince them every time but like I said everyone is entitled to have their own opinion and I do not ever expect everybody to share mine. I certainly don't make comments to entice a row with someone who doesn't share the same opinions. I have respect for their opinions and expect others to have respect for mine. I intend to conduct my online self in the same way. Morally.

Anyway enough about me as this (my very 1st blog post on my very 1st blog) is supposed to be about this blog morally-trolling. Like I said I do not usually air my opinions about Madeleine's case online but have been to many other places where opinions of others are aired along with facts and evidence and I have total respect for these places and the people who do post there, so much so that when somebody says anything personal that would perhaps upset or offend them, it also upsets and offends me. Just because I haven't said anything there doesn't mean that I'm not a part of that online community. Over the years many offensive things have been said and well to me it has been like water off a duck's back but recently the Mirror has labelled people online who are not necessarily anti-McCann but do believe the facts presented by the Portuguese police as "Vile Trolls". It was this article that made me think maybe I should use my online voice.

Yes I have read the article, yes I do take offense to it. I do not condone the behavior of some that have been quoted in the article, e.g. the kidnapping of the twins, or prank calls of any sort but then I always do take what's in newspapers with a pinch of salt (and sometimes vinegar). The actions or words of a very small minority do not in anyway accurately describe the rest of the community, most are just normal people like myself who are caring enough to seek justice for a little missing girl they do not even know, just because they do not believe the same as you does not make them all vile like the minority who were quoted. It certainly doesn't make them a troll, for a description of internet troll see  Going on that description in the wiki link I am far from a troll as are the many people I have come across in that online community. The majority of them post relevant comments in places where they ARE meant to be posted and I feel it is high time I opened my online mouth to stick up for them. I do not mean harm, I will be aiming to post only facts and/or my opinions and if that makes me or anyone who agrees with me a troll then so be it. It is from this I then get the name morally-trolling for my blog. Hope you like it!

I myself, like some mentioned in the Mirror's article, considered phoning Crime Watch to say I thought the e-fit was very like Gerry McCann. They were pictures that I had already seen, a long time ago, I'm not sure where but think it was maybe from the police files (I will double check when I have more time and update this post accordingly). I didn't phone Crime Watch but only because I knew I would not be taken seriously, not because I didn''t think the e-fits look very like Gerry.  I already know that Goncala Amaral and his team of police officers had already taken witness statements from the Smith family and it is my understanding that these descriptions were used to produce the e-fits. A few months after giving their statements the Smiths called back to say that when they saw Gerry McCann get off the plane carrying his son Sean, they recognized him as the man they saw carry the little girl at around 10pm the night of 3rd May 2007 heading towards the sea. These are not just my ramblings, these details are all in the official police files including the statements taken from the Smiths. So I am left slightly confused at why Crime Watch are saying new details have come to light and these are new e-fits.

This weeks Sunday Times article about the McCanns paying Oakley to investigate the case back in 2008 then later threatening them with legal action to keep the report from being made public knowledge gave me that extra push to start my blog (and further confused me on the origins of the 'new e-fits'). The Oakley PI's send a report which is very similar to that of the Portuguese police reports and the McCanns threaten legal action to hush it up! Really? The parents of a missing child pay half a million pounds to private investigators then dismiss the findings as "Hypercritical of the McCanns and their friends". The parents who have vowed to do everything possible to find their daughter, spend that much in publicly donated money for a report, then hide it? Five years of suppression!

Quite cheeky of them when you think that Portugal's respected officer Goncala Amaral has been in court the last few years on a libel charge for hindering the search for Madeleine. Isn't it sitting on reports that is hindering the search? Or perhaps the continuous changes to the events of that time which are confusing possible witnesses or sightings? There are lots and lots of unanswered questions (more than 48) which may or may not be hindering the case but let's not digress. The article in the Sunday Times was I feel a very brave article and the editor would be a fool if any word of it is untrue or hearsay!

So how is it that I have previously seen the e-fits? Were they obtained by police in Portugal or by the PI as suggested in the Sunday Times, or from the Scotland Yard enquiry? Either way they are said to be from the Smith's and as they say in Crime Watch these 'new' findings change the timeline so hopefully now Madeleine will be found soon.

And so here it is my very first blog and if you have managed to stay through my ramblings as far this point then thank you for taking the time and welcome to morrally-trolling.

I have no idea as yet what my next post will be or even when but I'm sure I will soon have more opinions or ramblings to air, perhaps on a subject far from the Madeleine McCann case. Maybe one of you would like to hear my opinion on something? Do post and let me know and if I have any on your chosen subject I will share them in a future post.

UPDATED:17/11/2013 - Sunday Times article moved, link updated. As yet I am still not able to locate were I had already seen those 'new' e-fits several years ago.

Keep trolling.....morally.
Morag Trollop,  morally-trolling.

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